Welcome to the home page for the South Staffordshire MG Owners Club

Our club began life in the late 1970's and was set up by a group of friends who were all MG enthusiasts sharing a common interest in the MG marque.

We meet regularly at Pelsall Social Club: 121 Norton Road, Pelsall, WS3 4NX.  Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 8.00 pm.  Details of upcoming events and meetings are listed on our events diary page. 

During the year the club attend various car shows and transport festivals.  We also arrange drive out days following the tulip map provided. Our drive out days are always very popular.  Our club welcomes all MG owners, and very much look forward to meeting you and your cherished car.

So, if you own an MG, thinking of purchasing one, or even just have an interest in the history/brand of MG, then come and say hello.  After all, we are known as being "The friendly Car Club"

Membership Secretary: Liz Preston 

Meet the Committee

Chairman: Bob Blake

Email: chairman@ssmgoc.com

Email: treasurers@ssmgoc.com

Regalia: June Rodgers

Email: committee@ssmgoc.com

Email: events@ssmgoc.com

Events Coordinator: Robert Brown

Email: treasurers@ssmgoc.com

Email: secretary@ssmgoc.com

Secretary:  Pete Walker

Treasurer: Carol Robson